Sunday, July 16, 2006

Why do wives and girl friends love picnics?

Ants, spiders, uneven ground, humidity, wind, no salt, no running water. They long for it. Why?
  • Do lesbians like picnics? What if one partner is more masculine, does she like picnics?
  • What about gay men? Do both partners like eating with bugs, or is it just the effeminate men?
  • Do effiminate straight men enjoy picnicking?
I have a theory about why men who hate picnicking, (guys like me), occassionally engage in this unnatural event. It is about sex. We do it because our wives have learned they have the power.


Blogger CawfeeGuy said...

as a not-so-effeminate gay man i can honestly say that picnics are fun because they're different; you're not eating in a diner, restaruant or the kitchen. to be outdoors with cold foods, in the fresh air. it sure beats eating take out in front of reruns of Bewitched.
as for straight men if letting her eat out in the park means you get to eat HER out later, why not? you both win, right?

Sunday, July 16, 2006 2:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Sunday, July 16, 2006 2:25:00 PM  

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