Monday, July 24, 2006

Why Are Women Obsessed With Wedding Cake

Its been a fairly busy summer of weddings. By far the most talked about subject- this will come as no surprise to men who like to leave receptions quickly- is the wedding cake. You can't leave the reception until the cake is served.

  1. Why are women obsessed with wedding cake?
  2. Why is the cake portion of most wedding cakes light and never chocolate?
  3. Do all gay men love wedding cake, or just the more effeminate ones?
  4. Do all lesbians love wedding cake, or just the more feminine girls?
  5. If you are a man who just can't leave before you eat a piece of cake, are you gay- or just a traitor to your sex?
  6. Have you ever (dared to) insisted that you and your wife leave before the cake is served?
If the answer to the above is yes, how long was it before she prepared a warm meal again?
If yes, did you have sex between that wedding and the next?
If yes, how do you get out of picnics?


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