Monday, July 31, 2006

Why Are Drunk People More Believable ?

Why is it we don't believe a sober Mel Gibson when he says he doesn't hate Jews, but are convinced he must be telling the truth when he is smashed?

The theory doen't simply apply to Mel or even drunkeness. Many feel a person's true belief's are revealed under duress. Nevertheless, alcohol is now considered a truth drug.

Urban myth?

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Is A Priest Smarter Than A Rabbi?

For that matter, are Catholic priests- in general- smarter than all other Christian ministers?
I happen to think there is a kernel of real truth behind the genious of Seinfeld, who devoted a segment to the theory that forced celibacy makes men smarter. Not that priests are physically forced into celibacy, they are not. No- those guys, with few exceptions, deny their sexual desires in order that they might gain a deeper relationship with God.

Maybe its not just the sex? Humility may be another clue. Humility and genious are a powerful combination. The 2 or 3 Rabii's I've talked with were kind and certainly smart, but definitely not humble. And I can say without reservation that most of the many protestant ministers I have met are always reminding folks they know Greek and Hebrew-and we don't. I have noticed a certain humility in the few priests I've met.

  • So does celibacy make priests smarter?
  • Is celibacy the reason Nuns are mean?

Monday, July 24, 2006

Why Are Women Obsessed With Wedding Cake

Its been a fairly busy summer of weddings. By far the most talked about subject- this will come as no surprise to men who like to leave receptions quickly- is the wedding cake. You can't leave the reception until the cake is served.

  1. Why are women obsessed with wedding cake?
  2. Why is the cake portion of most wedding cakes light and never chocolate?
  3. Do all gay men love wedding cake, or just the more effeminate ones?
  4. Do all lesbians love wedding cake, or just the more feminine girls?
  5. If you are a man who just can't leave before you eat a piece of cake, are you gay- or just a traitor to your sex?
  6. Have you ever (dared to) insisted that you and your wife leave before the cake is served?
If the answer to the above is yes, how long was it before she prepared a warm meal again?
If yes, did you have sex between that wedding and the next?
If yes, how do you get out of picnics?

Friday, July 21, 2006

Why Denzel Doesn't Own A Diner

Why Black Stars Don't Own Diners
Why Do Folks Use Intercoms?

Who Would Date Lois After Superman?

Who would date Lois after Superman?

Who Would Prosecute Bill Cosby

Here we go!

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Who decides correct spelling?

Why is there an 'h' in character, when it is pronounced, ka-rac-ter?

Monday, July 17, 2006

Why Do Insurance Companies Drop You...

...for making more than 1 claim? Ever try to get homeowners insurance if you've had more than 1 claim? Alot of companies won't take you at all.

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Why is McDonald's so slow?...

... and Cookout isn't.
  • How come KFC sucks and Mrs. Winner's doesn't?
  • And how is it orders from 15 cars can be handled at Bisquitville or Chic-Fil-A in the same time it takes 3 cars at Burger King or McDonalds?
  • Can fat people work at Cookout?
  • Does taste matter? Hardees wins hands down on burgers.

Why do wives and girl friends love picnics?

Ants, spiders, uneven ground, humidity, wind, no salt, no running water. They long for it. Why?
  • Do lesbians like picnics? What if one partner is more masculine, does she like picnics?
  • What about gay men? Do both partners like eating with bugs, or is it just the effeminate men?
  • Do effiminate straight men enjoy picnicking?
I have a theory about why men who hate picnicking, (guys like me), occassionally engage in this unnatural event. It is about sex. We do it because our wives have learned they have the power.

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